

I love sharing my story and my gifts with others, and inviting them to explore and nurture their own gifts. I have it that our world is experiencing a great imbalance, and part of it is the results of an undeveloped relationship with the dark, and death. Through my work as a psychic and a medium, I have befriended these aspects of life, and feel it is important for more of us to do this work. I welcome these conversations and offer my wisdom, experience and gifts to others as they walk in these spaces. As an international intuitive and speaker, I’ve had the honour of speaking on various topics throughout my brands evolution including radio and podcasts and writing for various online and print publications. I also love running workshops and teaching classes that allow others to not only receive messages from their guides and loved ones, but learn how to do it themselves. I love the idea of being able to host shows and reaching more people. I cover topics such as intuition, spirituality, death, runes and Nordic mythology, Celtic shamanism, magic, personal development, conscious living and healing and working with the dark.

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    Modern witchery paired with ancient threads of the past to redefine and reconnect our relationship to hidden magic.