About Me

From the youngest age, it was clear that Chloe was a bit different. Not only was she completely obsessed with animals, she had the ability to talk to them. Early on, Chloe’s Mum could sense that she had gifts. She was often seen talking to beings who ‘weren’t there’ and telling her family stories about things that she couldn’t have actually known. She was a bit of a wild child, either laughing hysterically or crying uncontrollably. It was pretty normal for Chloe to come in from being outside covered with cuts and bruises and dirt. She played rough with her older brother, but she also had this lack of awareness of her physical body. Almost as if she wasn’t only in her body. Nights were always very challenging for Chloe because of her extra sensitivity. It was almost impossible for her to sleep alone because of what she could see and feel around her. She had regular night terrors and would come into her parent’s room crying about different things that were tormenting her in her room.

Chloe & Her Animals

Chloe had this unique sense that animals were her guardians. She collected them and surrounded herself with them. She desperately wanted a dog, but because her Mum was allergic, they instead ended up with many cats (7 at a time), hamsters, guinea pigs, turtles, and fish. When she was 12, her family bought a house on a ranch in Alberta, which would end up being Chloe’s favourite place in the world. Soon after, she met Mac, an off-track thoroughbred bay gelding who towered over her at a whopping 17.2 hands. It was love at first sight and even though most people felt he was too hot-headed and wild, Chloe knew he was meant to be in her life. Mac became her home. As long as she could hop on his back and run through the fields or lie down beside him in the field, all was ok. He became her source of safety.

Teenage Chloe

Throughout her teens, Chloe struggled with eating disorders and anxiety and lost herself. By shutting down, she also turned away from her connection to animals and her intuition. For several years she felt as though she was stuck in a dark cave. It was during this time that her beloved horse Mac died and this death caused her to shut down even more. Her journey back to herself began in her mid-20s when she was hit by a wave of awakening. Chloe decided to pursue a certification as a Holistic Nutritionist, which took her on a journey of healing her relationship with food and her body. This path eventually guided her back to her intuition and her psychic gifts began to open once again.

Chloe Today

For the next 10-15 years Chloe focused on developing and sharing her gifts as a psychic medium. It was during this time that she also met her now husband, and eventually moved together to Austin, Texas. As soon as she landed in Texas an old part of her began to reemerge. She felt the calling back to horses and her roots. Chloe was born in Calgary, Alberta during the Calgary Stampede, and always had an inexplainable connection to cowboy culture. Somehow, she found herself now living in Texas. A few years into their time in Texas, Chloe and her partner followed the guidance to buy an acerage just outside of Austin, where they now live with all of their animals. Chloe now lives with and works with her herd of horses, offering horse medicine and magical retreats.

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I strongly believe that the horses call us in and it’s simply up to us to answer. So, beyond the perhaps annoying statement that you’ll know if you feel them… here is your sign to explore horse medicine today.

    Modern witchery paired with ancient threads of the past to redefine and reconnect our relationship to hidden magic.